The page will help you prepare the information you need to apply for funding.
Outlined on this page are:
Application questions and guidance documents
These documents will help you apply for the Community Activation Grants Program.
Application questions and guidance document - Stream 1 and 2 (DOCX 318.19 KB) 
Application questions and guidance document - Stream 3 (DOCX 311.47 KB) 
A simplified outline can be found below.
Using the grants portal
Starting an application
To start an application, visit the Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program webpage.
Find the Apply Now section, then select the link relating to the Stream you wish to apply for.
User registration and login
When starting your application for the Community Activation Grants you will need to:
- log in to the DJSIR Grants Portal
- if you’re already a registered user, you’ll be directed to enter your username and password
- if you’ve forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link on the login page
- if you’re not a registered user, you’ll need to select the 'create an account link'.

Save as draft
We strongly encourage you to save your application regularly and draft responses in a separate document to prevent information loss, especially in case of technical issues.
Click Save as draft before closing your web browser.
Once you’ve saved your draft application, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your draft application and a unique Grant Application (GA) number.
To return to your draft application, click on the link in the email, or log back in to your DJSIR Grants Portal account.

Submit your application
Make sure you have provided all information and attachments required.
To finish your application, click Save and Preview followed by Save and Submit before 5 pm on Wednesday 26 February 2025.
Once you’ve saved and submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email.
For your reference, keep the email, GA-number and save a PDF copy of your application.

How to apply
Step 1: Check your eligibility
Prior to applying, it is important that applicants check their club/organisation is eligible to apply to the program.
To check your eligibility please read Section 2 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
For Stream 3 (Community Leaders), check that individual candidates also meet eligibility criteria.
If your proposed grant activity engages those under the age of 18, then applications are to meet child safety requirements.
More information is outlined on page 12, Section 2.5 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Question 1: I have read Section 2.1 – Eligible Applicants in the Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program Guidelines and confirm my organisation is eligible to apply for this program.
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: Head to the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program website to access a copy of the guidelines.
Question 2: My organisation holds an active Australian Business Number (ABN).
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: If unsure, search for your club/organisations legal name via the ABR website.
Note: If your club/organisation does not have an ABN you will need to download, complete and submit a Statement by Supplier form in Section 12 Supporting Documents of your application to remain eligible.
Download the form from the Australian Taxation Office website.
My organisation is a not-for-profit and is not part of state or federal government. It is registered as either:
- an incorporated association; or
- a public company limited by guarantee.
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: If 'no' is selected the application cannot proceed.
Question 4: If applicable, my organisation/affiliated sport and recreation governing body, has achieved a minimum of 40 per cent women on their board or has an Office for Women in Sport and Recreation approved action plan to meet this requirement?
Your answer: Yes, No, or N/A.
Note: This eligibility question is only relevant to recognised Victorian State Sporting Associations, State Sport and Active Recreation bodies and National Sporting Organisations without a recognised Victorian state body, as well as affiliated community associations leagues or clubs.
For more information visit our Balance the Board Policy page.
Question 5: If applicable, my organisation has completed reporting requirements (e.g. submitted grant acquittals) for previous Change Our Game grants.
Your answer: Tick 'yes' if your club/organisation has completed reporting requirements (submitted acquittal documentation) for Change Our Game grants.
Tick 'no', if your club/organisation has received a Change Our Game grant(s) previously but has not completed reporting requirements (submitted acquittal documentation) for the grant(s). If support is required, please contact
Tick 'N/A' if your club/organisation has not previously had reporting requirements for Change Our Game grants.
Note: This eligibility question is only relevant to clubs/organisations that have been awarded a grant through a Change Our Game program before.
Question 6: My organisation received a grant in the 2023-24 Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: If your club/organisation was successful in receiving a grant for the 2023-24 program, you are not eligible to apply in this round.
Question 7: My organisation is compliant with the Child Safe Standards (See section 2.5 of the program guidelines for further details).
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: For more details, refer to section 2.5, Child Safety Requirements, in the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Visit the Commission for Children and Young People website for further information about Child Safe Standards.
Candidate eligibility (Community Leaders Stream)
Question 1: The Candidate has consented to the supply of their personal information for the purposes of this application.
Your answer: Yes or No.
Note: This question asks whether the Candidate consents to sharing personal information for the purposes of this application. You must select "Yes" to proceed.
If "No" is selected, the application cannot proceed.
Question 2: Does the Candidate meet the following eligibility criteria. Does the Candidate identify as a woman?
Your answer: The applicant should select "Yes" if they identify as a woman. If they do not identify as a woman, they should select "No." If "No" is selected, the application cannot proceed.
For further details, see section 2.3 Stream 3 – Eligible Candidates of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Question 3: Does the Candidate live in Victoria?
Your answer: "Yes" if the Candidate resides in Victoria.
Note: If they do not live in Victoria, they should select "No." If 'no' is selected the application cannot proceed.
Question 4: Is the Candidate aged 18 years or over?
Your answer: "Yes" if the Candidate is 18 years of age or older.
Note: If they are under 18, they should select "No." If "no" is selected, the application cannot proceed.
Question 5: Is the Candidate currently in a volunteer role in a community sport and active recreation club, association or organisation?
Your answer: "Yes" if the Candidate is currently volunteering in a community sport or active recreation setting.
Note: If they are not volunteering in such a role, they should select "No." If "no" is selected, the application cannot proceed.
Question 6: Did the Candidate receive a grant under the Community Leaders Stream in the 2024-25 Change Our Game Professional Scholarships Program?
Note: "Yes" if the Candidate received a grant under the 2024-25 Community Leaders Stream of the Professional Development Scholarships Program. If they were not successful, they should select "No."
If "Yes" is selected, the application cannot proceed.
National Redress Scheme
Question 1: Has your Club/Organisation been named in an application or received a Notice of Redress Liability?
Your answer: Yes or No.
Note: If you select Yes, proceed to provide the relevant details in the following fields.
Question 2: Date your Club/Organisation was named in an application or Notice of Redress Liability"
Your answer: Enter the date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. If applicable, provide the specific date your club/organisation was named.
Question 3: Has your Club/Organisation joined the scheme?
Your answer: Yes or No.
Note: If you select No, explain the reason in the next field.
Question 4: Date your Club/Organisation joined the Scheme:
Your answer: If applicable, provide the date your club/organisation joined the Scheme in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Question 5: Why has your Club/Organisation not joined the scheme?
Your answer: Provide a brief explanation in the text box below, if applicable.
Question 6: Does your Club/Organisation intend to join the Scheme?
Your answer: Yes or No.
Note: If you select "yes", please provide the intended date in the following field.
If the club/organisation does not intend to join the scheme, the application cannot proceed.
Question 7: Date by which your Club/Organisation intends to join the Scheme.
Your answer: If you intend to join the Scheme, provide the intended date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Applicant organisation details
This section requires applicants to provide information about the organisation.
Question 1: Name of applicant organisation.
Your answer: Provide the full legal name of your organisation as registered.
Question 2: Type of organisation.
Your answer: Select the option that best describes your organisation from the list below:
- Community sport and recreation club, association or organisation
- Regional sports assembly
- Local government authority
- State sporting association, state sporting organisation, or peak body recognised by Sport and Recreation Victoria
- National sporting organisation recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (if no state body exists)
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) and incorporated Aboriginal association.
Question 3: Incorporation Registration Number or Australian Company Number.
Your answer: Enter the 9-digit Incorporation Registration Number (for incorporated associations), 4-digit number for Indigenous Corporations or the 9-digit Australian Company Number (for companies).
Question 4: Australian Business Number (ABN)
Your answer: Enter your ABN number.
Question 5: Organisation Registered Address
Your answer: Enter the full address where your club/organisation is legally registered. Required fields: country, street address, town/suburb, state, postcode
Question 6: Postal address same as address above?
Your answer: Select "Yes" if your postal address is the same as the registered address. If not, select "No" and enter your postal address below.
Question 7: Organisation LGA
Your answer: Select the correct LGA from the dropdown menu.
Step 2: Select program stream and outline activity
An eligible applicant can only submit an application to one stream of the program.
For Stream 3 (Community Leaders) applicants can submit more than one application, however, only one application can be submitted for each eligible candidate.
When outlining your activity, review the list of activities funded and those not funded under each stream.
Across all streams, applications are strongly encouraged that engage women and girls from under-represented groups and include activities that promote and elevate women and girls in sport and active recreation aligned to their initiative or activity.
More information is outlined on page 15, Section 3 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Stream 1: Participation
Up to $5,000 or $10,000 for organisations to support clubs, associations and organisations in building, connecting and sustaining the participation of women and girls in community sport and active recreation.
To apply for up to $10,000, applicants must demonstrate that they can either achieve a greater impact through their initiative or activity, or achieve multiple program outcomes.
Stream 2: Capability
Up to $5,000 or $10,000 for organisations to undertake education and training opportunities to strengthen capability and leadership in gender equality policy and practice and/or inclusion and representation of women and girls in their sport, club, association or organisation.
To apply for up to $10,000, applicants must either demonstrate that learning and training opportunities will build capability and leadership across more than 3 clubs or partner organisations or achieve multiple program outcomes.
Stream 3: Community leaders
Up to $5,000 for a woman volunteering in a community sport and recreation club, association or organisation to access professional development to develop as a community leader.
Eligible Organisations can submit more than one application to Stream 3, however, only one application per Eligible Candidate can be submitted.
Across all streams, applications are encouraged to recognise that some women and girls are affected by more than one form of discrimination and disadvantage, and that applications should seek to understand and address the barriers experienced.
Step 3: Select funding level
Applications across all streams can apply for a grant of up to $5,000 (Funding Level 1).
Applications to Stream 1 or Stream 2 can apply for a grant of up to $10,000 (Funding Level 2), however these applications must clearly demonstrate how greater impact will be achieved or how multiple program outcomes will be delivered.
Funding Level 1 (Up to $5,000)
- Best for: Smaller projects that align with the program’s goals but don’t require significant resources or deliver large-scale impact.
Funding Level 2 (Up to $10,000)
- Best for: Larger-scale projects that can demonstrate greater impact, broader reach, or longer-term benefits.
When to apply for Level 2:
- Your initiative exceeds standard project scope and has potential for wider reach, longer duration, or deeper impact (e.g., more participants, extended timelines, or innovative approaches).
- You can clearly justify how the additional funding will enhance the project’s scale, outcomes, or sustainability.
More information is outlined on page 21, Section 4 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Step 4: Prepare and submit application
Applications require responses to key questions in the application form aligned to the assessment criteria.
Applications are to be submitted online by the closing date.
More information is outlined in Sections 5 and 6 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Applicants are also encouraged to review the information on the conditions that apply to applications and funding, which is outlined on page 29, Section 7 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines.
Assessment criteria
The Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program includes a competitive application process. Eligibility does not guarantee success, and it is expected that more applications will be received than what can be funded.
To note:
- responses to each question should be up to 500 words
- you are strongly encouraged to save the application regularly and prepare responses to the application questions in a separate document, to minimise the risk of information being lost prior to submitting your application, including in the event of technical issues
- if you need assistance with applying online, please contact the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation at
Question 1
This question forms up to 30% of the overall assessment criteria.
Please describe your activity in detail and clearly outline how it will be implemented, including:
- proposed start and completion date
- scope of the program, event, activity or professional development training (for example, multi event project plan)
- detailed and realistic budget. If your proposed activity involves a financial contribution from your organisation, please acknowledge this in your answer
- in addition, if applying for professional development training under Stream 2 or Stream 3:
- Stream 2: please outline how the proposed activity will benefit the group of individuals
- Stream 3: please describe your (or the Candidate’s) current position in the sport and active recreation sector, any previous relevant volunteer or work experience and how the proposed activity will benefit the Candidate
- where available, attach or provide a link to training company and/or course website or brochure (Stream 2 and Stream 3).
Question 2
This question forms up to 30% of the overall assessment criteria.
Please detail how the proposed activity supports one or more of the following program outcomes (refer Section 1.3 of the Program Guidelines) and demonstrates value for money:
- increased participation by women and girls in community sport and active recreation
- enhanced understanding of gender equity practices within community sport and active recreation organisations
- more women in leadership roles in community sport and active recreation
- promotion and elevation of women and girls in sport and active recreation.
Question 3
This question forms up to 25% of the overall assessment criteria.
Please detail how the activity will support the applicant club or organisation, including its commitment to gender equality and levelling the playing field for women and girls in sport and active recreation. In addition, if applying for professional development training under Stream 2 or Stream 3:
- please outline how the proposed activity will benefit the applicant club or organisation
- for Steam 3, it is strongly encouraged to include a letter of support from a representative from the individual’s club, association or organisation.
Question 4
This question forms up to 10% of the overall assessment criteria.
Please detail how the activity aims to benefit people from under-represented group(s). View a list of under-represented group(s) above.
Question 5
This question forms up to 5% of the overall assessment criteria.
Please detail in what way the activity aims to promote and elevate women and girls in community sport and active recreation (refer Section 3.2 of the 2024-25 Change Our Game Community Activation Grant Program Guidelines).